14 May 2024
Case Study 033: M.Y.
Case Study 033: M.Y.
Introduction: In March 2019, an 18-year-old female patient, M.Y., presented with symptoms of scoliosis. The initial diagnosis revealed an S-curve of 26 degrees on the top right curve and 21 degrees on the bottom left curve. The patient’s posture was slightly leaning to one side, and she had uneven shoulders and a straight neck. The right hip was observed to be 5 degrees higher than the left side.
Treatment: The treatment plan included a 2-week intensive care treatment, spinal and neck traction therapy, disc hydration treatment, and dormant muscle activation treatment. Alongside these treatments, M.Y. was also prescribed a series of exercises. These included posture correction exercises, abdominal strengthening exercises, and natural C-curve restoration exercises.
Outcome: After the 2-week intensive treatment, significant improvements were observed. The curvature reduced to 23 degrees on the top right curve and 15 degrees on the bottom left curve. The patient reported a decrease in pain and discomfort, and an improvement in posture was also noted.
Conclusion: The treatment plan was effective in managing the patient’s scoliosis. The combination of intensive care treatment, specific exercises, and therapies resulted in a significant reduction in the degree of curvature and alleviation of pain.
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