25 April 2024
Case Study 022: T.Y.
Clinical Presentation: The initial assessment revealed an S-curve scoliosis with a 20-degree curvature on the top right curve and a 10-degree curvature on the bottom left curve. Y.T also has a straight neck and a posture leaning to one side, indicative of scoliosis.
Treatment and Management: A treatment plan was implemented, focusing on scoliosis management through intensive care treatment over a period of two weeks. The patient was recommended an order-made corset and engaged in spinal and neck traction exercises. Additionally, neck S-curve restoration exercises and posture correction exercises were prescribed to address the curvature and associated symptoms.
Outcome: Post-treatment evaluation showed a reduction in the curvature to 13 degrees on the top right curve and 3 degrees on the bottom left curve. The improvement suggests a positive response to the treatment administered.
Conclusion: The case of T.Y. demonstrates the potential effectiveness of an intensive care treatment approach combined with specific exercises and supportive devices in the management of scoliosis-related curvature and pain. Continuous monitoring and follow-up are recommended to ensure long-term maintenance of the achieved results.
Case Study 040: C.O.
Case Study 039: Y.M.
Case Study 038: A.S.
Case Study 037 M.Y.
Case Study 036: M.H.
Case Study 035: Y.M.