25 April 2024
Case Study 030: A.T.
Introduction: The patient, referred to as A.T., is a 50-year-old female who presented with scoliosis in August 2021. The symptoms included a straight neck, spinal rotation, uneven shoulders, a posture leaning to one side, lower back pain, and leg pain. The initial diagnosis revealed an S-curve of 72 degrees on the top right curve and 28 degrees on the bottom left curve.
Treatment: A comprehensive treatment plan was implemented for A.T. This included two weeks of intensive care treatment, spinal and neck traction treatment, dormant muscle layer activation, and disc hydration therapy. Additionally, posture correction exercises and abdominal strengthening exercises were recommended. An order-made corset was suggested for additional support, and a neck C-curve restoration treatment was also initiated.
Outcomes: Post-treatment, there was a significant reduction in the curvature of the spine. The top right curve reduced to 58 degrees, and the bottom left curve reduced to 15 degrees. This marked improvement was a direct result of the intensive treatment and the patient’s adherence to the recommended exercises.
Conclusion: This case study underscores the importance of early detection, appropriate treatment, and patient compliance in achieving significant improvements in scoliosis cases. Further studies are recommended to continue exploring optimal treatment strategies for scoliosis.
Case Study 040: C.O.
Case Study 039: Y.M.
Case Study 038: A.S.
Case Study 037 M.Y.
Case Study 036: M.H.
Case Study 035: Y.M.